Thursday, April 16, 2009

Whew! What a morning!

Ok, it is days like today that I really stop and appreciate Marc, my husband. He went out of town yesterday for a hunting trip. Last night wasn't a big deal because Jarrett and I just hung out and did the usual night time routine. BUT, we didn't have to be anywhere on time either, unlike this morning. Ahhhh!!! We even got up a little earlier this morning, but for some reason we piddled. We rocked for a little while, I had to take a shower, we ate breakfast, and then we had to get both of us ready. I don't think that I realize how much Marc helps me in the morning. Even if it is just getting Jarrett dressed or shoes on his feet. Every little thing helps. I need to stop more often to tell him that I appreciate how much he does for me. Alot of the time, I think I dwell on the times when I need help and he's not there. I need to quit taking him for granted because I know that he helps me a lot more than other dads and I need the thank the Lord for blessing me with such a wonderful husband and daddy for Jarrett.

1 comment:

kristen lewis said...

Amen! I seriously could not be a single mom. The days that Mike is gone seem like it takes me 4 times as long to get anything done.