Monday, October 5, 2009

Mother of the Year! Yeah right!!!

I just logged on at school! Could this just be a fluke thing? Maybe I will actually get to occasionally blog on my conference. Y'all might get to hear from me more often, unless they tear it away from us again. Just thought I would share how excited this makes me.

I do have something funny to tell about this morning. This all happened after we got to daycare. I have gotten into the habit of undoing his seat before I get out. That way, he can get out of his seat and be waiting on the real seat when I get to that door. (We are usually running late.) Then I grab him and we go. TODAY, I unbuckled him but when I got out, I hit the lock button out of habit. (I do have keyless remote, but I normally drop them into my purse, so I manually lock the doors too.) So, I got around to his side and the doors were locked and my keys were in the ignition. It wasn't running, thank goodness, but they were in there. So, I go back to my side and yell for him to get into mama's seat to "drive". He loves doing this, so he starts climbing up there. In the process, he has found a bowl of cereal and spills it climbing over the seat. He then proceeds to pick up each piece individually. I'm sure he was worried that he would be in trouble for spilling and not picking them up. Finally, he gets to my seat and I tell him to push the buttons. He knows how to push the lock side down, but he doesn't realize the other side does something as well. I'm trying to get him to do it when he just happens to reach up on the door and slides the lock over to unlock it and I yank the door open. SUCCESS!!! Luckily, it was only about a 5 minute ordeal. It could've been a whole lot worse. I'm so glad that I had unbuckled him before I got out. I can't imagine the trauma (to both of us) that that would've caused. Note to self, take keys with you even if you are just running in AND teach him how to push the unlock button too. OR, just be more careful. Hmmm...what a concept.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I Know, I know...

Ok, so we'll start with the pictures because I'm too blogtarded to get them to move. Any assistance would be appreciated for next time. Thanks!

This was the first time that it was cool out and I got to put him in some of the fall clothes that I bought a month ago and have been dying to put him in them.

I guess he's Peter Parker here, since there's no mask. Check out the muscles!!! Caleb and Jarrett at Lake Amistad.

My little red raider.

Is he seriously sleeping like that? Mean ol' mom wouldn't take the life jacket off and he couldn't stay awake. Maybe it isn't as uncomfortable as it looks. :) It really does fit when he's standing up.

My handsome hubby at the cabin in Ruidoso.

So, it's been way too long since the last post. I just never can find the time to blog. I probably shouldn't admit this, but we used to be able to blog at school and now we can't, so there's no time at home. Anyway, I had planned on blogging all summer long about the different things going on and traveling, but I never got around to it. Then, I decided that I would post at the end of August about the entire summer and post pics from all of it and I didn't get around to that either. So, here I am posting now and don't have much to say. We had a great summer. Marc and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary in July. We took and "anniversary" trip to Ruidoso in June for a weekend of "us" time and then we spent most other weekends at a lake or just hanging out. We went several times to Lake Allen Henry with Marc's fam and to Lake Amistad (sp??) with mine. Jarrett turned 2 in August. Where has the time gone? I can't believe he's no longer a baby and now becoming a little boy.

As most of you know, we found out this summer that we were expecting and couldn't have been more excited. At the end of August, I miscarried. This is probably part of the reason, ok all of the reason, for my delay in posting. It has been one of the toughest things that I have ever been through, but I feel like we are probably stonger because of it. That "probably" didn't sound too convincing, did it? Anyway, I am making it day by day. I definitely have my days that aren't so good, but that is to be expected. I am staying super busy and that is helping a great deal. This summer, when I got the call asking me to coach again, I was worried but excited. I didn't know everything that was going to happen, but God has a reason for everything and He knew that I would need this this year to help me through all of this. I am loving coaching and didn't really realize how much I missed it. Who know's how long I'll stick it out, but I'm having a great time right now. I work with such wonderful people and am blessed by them.

Ok, now I'm just going to post a whole bunch of pics because it has been so long. There is even one of Jarrett in his Halloween costume. He doesn't have on the mask, so you'll just have to wait until the real deal to get the full effect. I don't know how many pics the blog will hold, so I might have to have a 2nd one of just pics. We'll see.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Such a Fun Day!

Wow, it has been FOR-EV-ER (is that from The Sandlot???) since my last post. I just haven't had much to say lately. But today, was a really fun day and I thought I would talk about it. Some of my fabulous co-worker friends, their children, and Jarrett and I all headed to Roaring Springs for a fun day in the sun. I know you are asking, "Roaring Springs??? Where's that?" I thought the same thing. I'm not completely certain where it is because of the mock speeds that were taken to get there. (JK, Kristen) Anyway, it's about an hour and a half to get there and you would not believe how gorgeous a place this is. It doesn't look like west Texas at all. It is a natural spring and pool from that spring. There is a beautiful waterfall and trees everywhere. Who woulda thunk it? Only an hour and half from here and there it is. Jarrett and I had so much fun with the girls and their kiddos and can't wait to get together again. Pictures will follow soon. I didn't take lots, but some of the others did and as soon as I get my hands on them, they will be here. Thanks again, girls for a super fun day.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Will you marry me?

Three years ago, today, Marc asked me to marry him. It's kinda a funny story. His birthday is on April 22nd and he was planning on asking me then, with our friends and family in town to celebrate his birthday. Who would have thought he would choose his b-day to do it? Not me. I had been waiting for every holiday, birthday, valentines day, etc... for the previous 4 years and nothing ever happened. (Yes, I did say 4 years.) So, we had friends and family coming in to town. Marc's house was a mess and I was there cleaning it. Well, he chose to be out with his friends because Wednesdays, back then, were his boys nights. I'm sure you can imagine the thoughts going through my head because I was cleaning HIS house (a wifely duty) while he was out and about. The longer he was gone, the more irritated I got. When he got home, through tears, I let him know how I felt. I didn't think that I should be acting like his wife without being his wife. If he wasn't going to ever do this, then we need to talk, etc.... I'm sure I probably said a lot more that you can use your imagination. I had no idea what he had planned. Well, in an effort to get me to quit freaking out and in fear that I was going to break up with him, he left the room while I was bawling. I figured he was getting Kleenex. He comes back with Kleenex and a box. He says, "Well, you kinda messed up my plans for Friday, but I guess its ok." I couldn't believe it. He then proceeds to get on one knee and says, "Mika (maybe Breck, don't remember???) Decker, will you marry me?" I began crying harder, if that was possible, and said, "Are you serious?" and "YES!!!!!" It really is a sweet story to me, but still makes me laugh. I always asked him what he was going to do the next time to make me stop crying? He couldn't really top that one. Even though he was a little slow getting there, I wouldn't change a thing. God has blessed me way more than I deserve with this man that is such a wonderful husband and best friend. Marc, I love you now, more than ever.
Here are our engagement pics. They are black and white from the newspaper. Man, we look like babies to me.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Whew! What a morning!

Ok, it is days like today that I really stop and appreciate Marc, my husband. He went out of town yesterday for a hunting trip. Last night wasn't a big deal because Jarrett and I just hung out and did the usual night time routine. BUT, we didn't have to be anywhere on time either, unlike this morning. Ahhhh!!! We even got up a little earlier this morning, but for some reason we piddled. We rocked for a little while, I had to take a shower, we ate breakfast, and then we had to get both of us ready. I don't think that I realize how much Marc helps me in the morning. Even if it is just getting Jarrett dressed or shoes on his feet. Every little thing helps. I need to stop more often to tell him that I appreciate how much he does for me. Alot of the time, I think I dwell on the times when I need help and he's not there. I need to quit taking him for granted because I know that he helps me a lot more than other dads and I need the thank the Lord for blessing me with such a wonderful husband and daddy for Jarrett.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

Three day weekends are GREAT! I think we should have them a lot more. We were busy, busy the entire time, but it was so much fun. Marc's family came in to town on Friday. We took the kids to eat at the 50th Street Caboose and then swimming at their hotel. I was a little worried about Jarrett still enjoying the water like he did last summer, but he loved it.
On Saturday, everyone came to the house and then we all went to Sear's to get the kids' pictures taken. That's where the new pic at the top came from. They turned out great. The group ones turned out good too, but of course I'm pretty partial to my little guy. He did so good and his turned out great. This creates such a dillema for me to decide on which ones to choose.

After the pictures, we were back at the house getting ready for our "Easter" dinner. We did it on Saturday because some of the family had to leave that night. The food was great and the kids had a blast hunting eggs, even if it was sprinkling.
The family that was still here went to church with us yesterday and then headed out. Marc, Jarrett, and I went on to Brownfield to eat lunch with my family. It all worked out so well and we got to see everyone. It was a perfect weekend!

Friday, March 27, 2009

March 08-09

I was just looking through my pics that I have on my computer. I have pics from March 08 and now from March 09. I can't believe how much he has changed. I wish I had better ones on this computer, but the ones I have are from my cell phone. So, they aren't that great of quality and for some reason, with my cell, I am forever chopping the top of his head off. I don't know why. I am posting another boots pic from this year because it really shows how "grown up" he looks. It's kinda sad to me that he has already changed so much. But on the other hand, he is so much fun right now. He makes us laugh all the time and keeps us on our toes.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break!!!

Doesn't he look so big in his Wranglers and boots?

Jarrett and Benjamin

Wow, I can't believe that Spring Break has already come and gone. It was definitely great to be off, but there wasn't a lot of down time the entire week. I will have pics coming soon. I have to get them off my camera, but I had a minute to blog so I thought I should do it when I could.
My break began with my Grandmother passing away. She was 85 and has had alzheimers for many many years now. She had come down with pneumonia and it just went downhill from there. We have been waiting for this for many years because she hasn't been "Grandmother" for a long time. It was a blessing in a sense because she is now with her Savior and with my Pap. I can't imagine how sweet a reunion that must have been. We have joked that he probably got on to her for taking so long.

My brother and his family came from Arkansas, so we had some great family time with them. The kids, Evyn and Elijah, are great with Jarrett.

Even though we were gathering for a funeral, it was great to spend time with our family. All 7 of the grandkids were home and got to visit and let our kids spend time together. My cousin, Tory, has a little boy name Gideon. My cousin, Gina, was here from Virginia, and has Benjamin who will be a year old in May. Jarrett got to play with Benjamin for the first time and Gideon too. They've seen each other, but not when they were all mobile. It was great to see them, even if it was only for the day. My Grandmother is smiling down on us all and finally getting to see our babies. I would have loved for her to have gotten to meet Jarrett, Benjamin, and Gideon and to see us all being mommies. I think she would be so proud.
Details of our First and Second Flights
Jarrett and I went to Dallas to stay with one of my best friends, Kasey, her husband, Scott, and their son, Tye. It was Jarrett's first time to fly. Since, I was taking him by myself, I was a nervous wreck. I packed everything that I could think of and then some. Marc dropped us off at the airport and got us checked in. From security on, we were on our own. I let him play and eat while waiting for the plane. Once we boarded, I just prayed that everything was going to go ok. I didn't want to have "that kid" that everyone dreads seeing on the plane. Luckily, we sat by this wonderful lady that happened to be a grandma. She was great! Jarrett would hand his stuff to her and she didn't even seem to mind. I worried that he was bothering her, but she didn't let on that he was. We weren't quite as lucky on the way home. We had to get up before 6 to make our 8 o'clock flight. The plane was late. By the time we got on, he was screaming because he wanted down. One guy sat beside us and then was relieved to find out that he was in the wrong seat. I'm sure the girl sitting there was oh so happy to take his seat. Jarrett wanted down so bad. He was bowing(sp???) his back, pushing me, and throwing his passy down the aisle. I am sweating profusely. This is all before we have even left the gate. I contemplate crying in hopes of gaining sympathy from the people around us. Finally, I just stopped and prayed that this situation would get better. Before we were in the air, Jarrett was asleep and slept until we pulled up at the next gate. It just goes to show you that no matter how insignificant we think a prayer might be, God is ALWAYS listening.

Waiting for the plane.

Our time in Dallas

I played volleyball with Kasey at UTPB, in Odessa. Ever since then, she has been one of my most trusted and valued friends. I haven't gotten to see her since her baby shower and Tye turns two in a couple of weeks. It had been way too long. So, my Jarrett and her Tye got to meet finally. They had so much fun together. They got along better than we expected. We had our moments, but for the most part, they were great little buddies. We went to this amazingly huge play ground that was a little boys dream. Then, we took them to the Fort Worth Zoo. I am sure that Jarrett will enjoy the zoo a little more when he is older, but we had fun anyway. It was just fun to get to spend time with them. Kasey and I have always been close and getting to see our boys playing together meant so much. We also got to have dinner with Vel, another friend from college, and her husband Michael. I hope our kids didn't scare them off from wanting children of their own. They were definitely a handful that night, but it had been a long couple of days and was our last night there. We were pooped when we got home, but it was such a great trip with wonderful memories.

Checkin' out the elephants!

Feeding the ducks!

Mr. Independent

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Sean Decker Band

My younger brother, Sean, has a Christian band. They have been playing together for a couple of years. I've gotten to hear them a couple of time. Once, at a church up here for Saw You At the Pole. The other time was last Saturday night in Brownfield. One of the churches brought Seventh Day Slumber to perform a concert. Sean's band got to open for them. It was amazing. They did such a good job and I couldn't have been prouder of him. I didn't tell anyone else around me this, but I got a little teary eyed when they started because they were great and the crowd's response was CRAZY. Sean is such a strong Christian and is doing wonderful things with this amazing talent God has given him. I'm sure many, including myself, were touched by their performance. They sing some popular songs, but they have 3 (I think) original ones that are so powerful. I wish I could somehow post them on here. Maybe, they will have them recorded someday and I will. For now, I'm posting some pics from the concert. The one of us three groupies is me, Mom, and Amber (Sean's wife). The rest are of Sean, the best little brother EVER.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Long time, no blog!

Wow, I can't believe how long it has been. I just haven't had anything blogworthy to talk about lately. I don't know why. Everytime that I thought about something, then i figured it would be more of me whining than blogging. So, until I'm out of my rut, here are a couple of recent pics of Jarrett. There are a couple of him in Marc's hunting gear with a couple of different calling devices. Then there are just a couple of random ones of him.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Ok, here goes nothing. I really don't think that I can think of 25 "Interesting" things about me. SO, I'm starting this post on Monday. We'll see how long until it actually gets posted on here and FB.

1. I love rainy days. If I wake up, see clouds outside, I get up in a much better mood. I even don't mind being at school on these days. Yes, I would prefer to be at home, all warm and cozy, but I don't mind being at work either.

2. My favorite childhood memories are from vacations spent in Ruidoso. We would go there with my entire family, at least once a year. I miss that time so much.

3. I, like Monica, am terrible about leaving cabinet doors open. That was one pet peeve (sp???) that Marc had after we first got married. It's been a pet peeve of my dad's for my entire life, but now I'm finally working on it. The other day, Jarrett walked into the kitchen and shut one of the lower cabinet doors behind me. Marc thought that was the greatest thing ever.

4. Also, I'm forever leaving on lights. My dad used to say that he knew when I was home. Every cabinet door was open and all the lights were on. It couldn't be all me. I promise.

5. One of my favorite things to do is to take a HOT bath, while reading a book, and possibly sipping some wine. Ahhhh, that's the best!

6. I have to sleep on my side with a pillow between my knees and the blankets or Marc's pillow (if he's not in bed yet) under my arm. I grew up sleeping with a stuffed animal. (One of them is now in Jarrett's room and if Marc would let me, I probably would still sleep with it every night.) It's just so comforting.

7. So many people don't know this about me, or so many people just don't ask. But, I got the end of my ring finger cut off when I was 13. I was babysitting this 6 year old and told him to clean his room. I was leading him in there by the hand and he slammed the door. I didn't get my hand out quick enough and it chopped off the end. I later had to have surgery on it and to this day, that's the only surgery that I have ever had. Yes, I've heard all the jokes about it. "Mika can only count to 9 1/2." Marc has told me, "You'll get a long great with Shaun's dad. He cut his finger off too." Like this would make me bond with someone???

8. I decided to teach English because I didn't want to teach anything else. I loved Math growing up, but when I went to college and told them that I was majoring in Math. They said that I would have to take the Calculus placement exam. I had only had trig. and analyt. back then and it scared me to death. Sometimes I wish that I would have sucked it up and gone that route.

9. I have road rage! I hate stupid drivers and I typically say that out loud. "Move stupid!" That will probably be Jarrett's first full sentence.

10. I have been in a total of 5 rear end collisions. One totaled my car. You know the law where the person that does the rear-ending gets the ticket? I probably should have been the one getting the ticket in a couple of them because I wasn't paying attention and slammed on my breaks and got lucky enough not to hit the person in front of me. Hey, it's not my fault I have quick reflexes and the people behind me don't. Monica, I'm cringing right now thinking about karma.

11. I love food. I get so excited about it or the anticipation of it. Marc has always made fun of me for getting excited about food. He has also pointed out that I always talk about food when we are eating. Most of the time it is about other food, not what I'm currently eating. Since then, I have noticed that I am not the only one that does this. A lot of people do.

12. I have a phobia of speaking in public. I don't mind doing it in front of my class, but in front of my peers is a completely different story. My voice shakes, my heart races, and I nearly have an anxiety attack over it. I would rather do anything than speak in public. I guess its good that God didn't bless me with the ability to sing, like he did the rest of my family. I can't even imagine how bad that would be.

13. I miss coaching volleyball a lot. I feel guilty that I miss it. I wouldn't give up the time that I get to spend with Jarrett, but I do miss it. I've considered trying to get back into it, but then I think twice and remember having to coach everything else and stop myself.

14. I have three nicknames that I will answer to. My mom has always called me Gert. (I know it came from Gertrude, but don't know any more than that.) My brother, Blake, has always called me stretch. (I'm tall and used to be a bean pole.) Tatum calls me M.J. (Her husband, Allen, used to call me Mika Jene (that doesn't look right, I think it should be Gene, but it's not.)even though my middle name is Breck. Then it got shortened to M.J. and it has stuck. I have a clock, that Tatum gave me as a maid of honor gift, that is engraved M.J. :)

15. I have a hard time driving without talking on my phone. It is automatic. I get in the car and start dialing. I will go through my friends until I find someone. I think it's an addiction.

16. I am in bed by 9 almost every night. I would go to bed at 8 or 8:30 (sometimes do) if I didn't feel like such a bum. I used to blame it on that I had to get up so early with Jarrett. Now, he sleeps in much better and I get to sleep until 6:15, so I don't have an excuse.

17. I remember things by the way they smell. The first time that I went to Las Vegas, we stayed at the Mirage. I still remember the way it smelled. I have smelled a candle before that brought back Vegas memories. I associate fireplace smells (especially pinon wood) to smelling like Ruidoso. My family has always said, "Ahhh, it smells like Ruidoso." When we would pull in to Ruidoso, we would roll the windows down to smell the air. Weird? Yes.

18. I am the world's worst procrastinator. I will put things off. I can't do things, like clean my house, unless I'm under pressure. In college, I put every single paper off until midnight before it was due.

19. I love to read, but didn't start loving it until after I was out of college and no one was making me read. It sure would have helped in all of my Lit classes if I would have enjoyed reading a little more. I worked at a gift shop for 8 hours a day and we didn't have a tv or a lot of business. I would go through 3 or 4 books a week.

20. Thanks to my girls at lunch, I have a new love for yogurt with blackberries and granola. I crave it. Over the weekend, I ate it at least 5 times.

21.I love to shop and if I find a great deal, like on a pair of shoes, I can't resist. Marc doesn't understand this. "Even though I didn't NEED another pair of black shoes, I couldn't pass up this wonderful deal. And they are so darn cute!"

22. My favorite outfit is jeans and a sweatshirt or long sleeve t-shirt. I like for the weather to be just right so that these are comfy and there is no need for a jacket.

23. I really like to be tan, but don't like taking the time out of my day to go tan. I've done the tan in a bottle, mystic tan, and air brush tan. The air brush tan is probably the most successful, but it too turned a little orangy on me after a while. Any suggestions? I refuse to show my legs when they are the pasty white color they currently are. Even in the summer, I don't wear shorts in public, unless I have a little color to them. Laying out isn't exactly an option either when you have a baby around.

24. I would like to have at least 3 children. Marc would be happy with the one we have. I loved being pregnant, but apparently I wasn't too nice to be around when I was pregnant. I can't imagine doing everything that comes along with being pregnant and having a new baby only one more time, so I'm going to hold out for at least 3. We'll see.

25. I peel things. This, I believe could be OCD. I wish I had that OCD where I had to have everything neat and clean, but I don't. It doesn't matter if it is a medicine bottle, the address label on a magazine, or even paint. If it is a little bit lifted, I can't help myself. If someone is sunburned and then starts peeling, I love to peel their skin. This is so gross to admit. I'm a little embarrassed to type it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My pics are finally up!

Ok, here is a short explanation of some of the pics. The pics in the red jammies were from either The Polar Express (You can see him listening to his bell he got from Santa and laughing at his Daddy.) or from Christmas at my parents. The other ones are just random pics. The dryer (please don't call cps) is his new favorite place to climb. He was hillarious when he discovered he could get in there. The bundled up pic, I just lvoe because he can hardly move I have him so bundled. And, the boots. They were a Christmas present and he loved them. I didn't think we'd get him out of them, but they are still a little big, so we have to wait a while.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Well, Kristen tagged me, so here goes. This is a picture of Jarrett at my aunt and uncles house. It was his first time up close and personal with their horse, Smokey. (I think that's her name.)

Well, I am one step closer to having pics posted from the holidays. They are now off my camera and on my computer at home. I just never have time at home to sit at the computer. I will try this week.

I can't remember who Kristen tagged, so I am tagging Kelsey, Colby, and Monica. Go to you pictures file on your computer. Go to the fourth folder and pick the fourth picture. Post it and explain it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Ok, I am a complete loser when it comes to this blogging bit. I haven't blogged in forever because every time that I do get on here, all of my focus goes to changing the dang background. I can't seem to figure it out. I have done everything that it has asked me to do. Surely, it's not me, it must be this crazy computer. We'll see. I will keep trying. Thank you all for your attempt to help me. I might be helpless.

On to more important topics. I will soon have updated pics of Jarrett from the holidays. There are some really cute ones in his new boots, which I bought a little too big and they make him walk pigeon toed, so I'm not letting him wear them until he's bigger. I would hate to ruin his gait for life just because he loves his boots and they are too cute. Anyway, I will have pics soon.

Last night, when I was holding Jarrett, I had a revelation. Why has no one invented some way of recording smells? We can record everything else. I love the way he smells and I don't want to forget it. The best is after bath and he's all lotioned up, but last night, he hadn't had a bath. He just smelled like Jarrett. I can't explain it. I actually got teary eyed worrying about forgetting his smell. Or, it changing to a different smell. Am I weird or do others worry about these things.

Jarrett is doing so many fun things these days. It's amazing to me how much he actually comprehends what we're saying. This morning, he was going through the drawer in my bathroom while I was getting ready. (If he stands on the scale, he can actually see in it. This is sad because he's growing way too fast.) Anyway, he got one of my rings out of the drawer. He put it on top of his head. I said, "No silly, it goes on your finger." So, he gets it and puts his finger through it. It's little things like that that just make me smile. He's growing and learning right before my eyes. I love watching him discover and figure things out too. We got a Wii for Christmas. After taking it out of the box, Jarrett used the box to climb into the recliner or on the couch. He will push it all over the living room to whichever object he would like to crawl on. It's so much fun. I can't wait for those of you with smaller babies to get to experience all of this. It's great!

Ok, Monica, I've now blogged. I promise pics will follow, but this will have to do for now.