Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Tag!

I'm not sure that Kelsey tagged anyone, but I felt kinda bloggy(is that a word?) and it gave me something to blog about.
1. What is your favorite Christmas song? O Holy Night
2. What is your favorite Christmas album? This year, it has been George Strait, but I'm going to a David Phelps concert on Sunday and I am sure it will be wonderful
3. What is your favorite Christmas gift you have ever received? Cabbage Patch Doll
4. What is your favorite gift that you are giving this year? Well, Jarrett is getting a power wheels four wheeler from Santa. Shhhh.... I can't wait to see him when he first sees it.
5. Favorite place/location to look at Christmas lights? Ransom Canyon- It is so breathtaking. I love taking people out there for the first time and when you come down that first hill that looks over the water, they get the full effect. It's beautiful.
6. Favorite Christmas treat/candy? Fudge
7. What is your funniest Christmas memory? In our stockings, at my parents house, we always get a movie from my mom. Even though we have gobs of gifts under the tree, this has become one our favorite traditions. You know it's there, but don't know which movie it is or what everyone else got. So, it's always exciting to open these. Well, a couple of years ago, Sean (my youngest brother) opened his movie. It was one of the Spider Mans, I think. After looking at it closer, he realized that it was the spanish version of the movie. We all got a pretty big laugh, at my mom's expense and haven't let her live it down yet. I'm sure there are many other funny memories, but that is the first that comes to mind.

I'm tagging everyone else.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Ok, I finally uploaded pics from my camera. So, I am just posting several of them. Kind of random, I know, but I thought I would share. As you can see, he is never still so it makes it kinda difficult to get good pictures.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Relaxing Weekend, Right!

Typically, if you get to stay home from work for a 3-day weekend, you would be relaxed and ready to go. Well, the reason we got a three day weekend was because on Friday Jarrett came down with the stomach bug. We were ready to walk out the door (why does it always happen then?) and I had just finished my hair when Jarrett comes in the bathroom. He was whiny and lifted his arms to be picked up. So, I picked him up and he threw up all over me and him. Luckily, we were in the bathroom on the tile floor. I yelled for Marc to come help. Needless to say, we took baths and got back in our jammies. I was hoping it was just a fluke puke, but it wasn't we continued for hours and hours about every 30 minutes. Poor guy, I felt so bad for him. He didn't recover really until Sunday. So, it was really a LONG weekend.

I did finally get my Christmas tree up. Since we were home bound, all weekend, I decided Sunday would be the day. I did it when Jarrett was asleep for a nap and when he got up, he was so surprised. I put all the non-breakable ornaments at the bottom, but he is still not allowed to touch. After a couple thumps,(I know, I'm terrible) he now KINDA stays away from it. We'll see how long it lasts. So far, not ornament casualties. I'll keep you posted. Here is one pic that I took with my phone. I have more on my camera of Jarrett in front of the tree. I will post them later.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Ok, I typed this entire thing about what we did for Thanksgiving and it was too boring to even post. So, I am shortening it down so when I look back next year, I will know what went on. We spent the weekend before in Portales with Marc's mom and family. Then, we went to Brownfield on Wednesday and spent Thanksgiving day with my family. It is so much fun to spend time with everyone. We don't get together near enough. Not everyone got to be there, but I'm hoping to get to see them in the next couple of weeks or at Christmas.

Now, for what I am thankful for. I am thankful that God is in my life and that He is a forgiving God. I am thankful for my wonderful husband who does so much for me and puts up with me even when I'm sick and grumpy. I'm thankful for my precious son, Jarrett, who is by far my best accomplishment and can make my day with one of his sweet smiles. I'm thankful for mine and Marc's families. They are so special and I don't know what we would do without them. I'm thankful for our warm house, food, clothes, and shoes. I'm thankful for our dogs, Daisy and Pepper, even though they drive me nuts sometimes, I do love them. And finally, I'm thankful for my great friends and coworkers. I wouldn't be able to make it day to day without having you as friends. I love reading your blogs and hearing about your lives. Mine seems kinda boring sometimes, so I like reading about other's.