Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break!!!

Doesn't he look so big in his Wranglers and boots?

Jarrett and Benjamin

Wow, I can't believe that Spring Break has already come and gone. It was definitely great to be off, but there wasn't a lot of down time the entire week. I will have pics coming soon. I have to get them off my camera, but I had a minute to blog so I thought I should do it when I could.
My break began with my Grandmother passing away. She was 85 and has had alzheimers for many many years now. She had come down with pneumonia and it just went downhill from there. We have been waiting for this for many years because she hasn't been "Grandmother" for a long time. It was a blessing in a sense because she is now with her Savior and with my Pap. I can't imagine how sweet a reunion that must have been. We have joked that he probably got on to her for taking so long.

My brother and his family came from Arkansas, so we had some great family time with them. The kids, Evyn and Elijah, are great with Jarrett.

Even though we were gathering for a funeral, it was great to spend time with our family. All 7 of the grandkids were home and got to visit and let our kids spend time together. My cousin, Tory, has a little boy name Gideon. My cousin, Gina, was here from Virginia, and has Benjamin who will be a year old in May. Jarrett got to play with Benjamin for the first time and Gideon too. They've seen each other, but not when they were all mobile. It was great to see them, even if it was only for the day. My Grandmother is smiling down on us all and finally getting to see our babies. I would have loved for her to have gotten to meet Jarrett, Benjamin, and Gideon and to see us all being mommies. I think she would be so proud.
Details of our First and Second Flights
Jarrett and I went to Dallas to stay with one of my best friends, Kasey, her husband, Scott, and their son, Tye. It was Jarrett's first time to fly. Since, I was taking him by myself, I was a nervous wreck. I packed everything that I could think of and then some. Marc dropped us off at the airport and got us checked in. From security on, we were on our own. I let him play and eat while waiting for the plane. Once we boarded, I just prayed that everything was going to go ok. I didn't want to have "that kid" that everyone dreads seeing on the plane. Luckily, we sat by this wonderful lady that happened to be a grandma. She was great! Jarrett would hand his stuff to her and she didn't even seem to mind. I worried that he was bothering her, but she didn't let on that he was. We weren't quite as lucky on the way home. We had to get up before 6 to make our 8 o'clock flight. The plane was late. By the time we got on, he was screaming because he wanted down. One guy sat beside us and then was relieved to find out that he was in the wrong seat. I'm sure the girl sitting there was oh so happy to take his seat. Jarrett wanted down so bad. He was bowing(sp???) his back, pushing me, and throwing his passy down the aisle. I am sweating profusely. This is all before we have even left the gate. I contemplate crying in hopes of gaining sympathy from the people around us. Finally, I just stopped and prayed that this situation would get better. Before we were in the air, Jarrett was asleep and slept until we pulled up at the next gate. It just goes to show you that no matter how insignificant we think a prayer might be, God is ALWAYS listening.

Waiting for the plane.

Our time in Dallas

I played volleyball with Kasey at UTPB, in Odessa. Ever since then, she has been one of my most trusted and valued friends. I haven't gotten to see her since her baby shower and Tye turns two in a couple of weeks. It had been way too long. So, my Jarrett and her Tye got to meet finally. They had so much fun together. They got along better than we expected. We had our moments, but for the most part, they were great little buddies. We went to this amazingly huge play ground that was a little boys dream. Then, we took them to the Fort Worth Zoo. I am sure that Jarrett will enjoy the zoo a little more when he is older, but we had fun anyway. It was just fun to get to spend time with them. Kasey and I have always been close and getting to see our boys playing together meant so much. We also got to have dinner with Vel, another friend from college, and her husband Michael. I hope our kids didn't scare them off from wanting children of their own. They were definitely a handful that night, but it had been a long couple of days and was our last night there. We were pooped when we got home, but it was such a great trip with wonderful memories.

Checkin' out the elephants!

Feeding the ducks!

Mr. Independent


kristen lewis said...

I am sorry about your grandmother but glad that you got to spend time with your buddy! Way to go on surviving your first solo flight as a mommy!

Monica Curry said...

what a big and precious boy he is! he is growing so fast, but looks like he is so much fun! what a sweet boy!