Well, as Monica pointed out, I am slacking on my blogging duties. I just don't know exactly what I should blog about all the time. I think of things and then I think, "No one would find that interesting, at all." So, I am going to ramble on a little and you can read on or stop when you get tired of it.
#1. My sis-in-law and niece and nephew got in to town last Saturday from Arkansas. She homeschools and my brother is out of town all week on business. Anyway, my neice, Evyn is precious and always has been. My nephew, on the other hand is quite the character. He loves movies and cartoons and when he finds one he likes, he takes on that persona and pretty much becomes that character. His current thing is Ben Ten (sp??). He has this huge watch that allows him to "transform" in to alien type things. My sister-in-law watched an episode with him the other day and no longer lets him watch the show, but he still uses his watch thingy. Anyway, I said all that to say this. Jarrett and I spent time with them on Sunday. We went down for church and a b-day party. The kids love Jarrett like crazy. I walked in while Elijah was doing patty cake with Jarrett. His version is a little different. It goes like this: Patty cake, patty cake, bakers man, bake me a stinkin cake as fast as you stinkin can. Stinkin is his new word. I couldn't figure out what he was saying at first, but when I did, it made me laugh really hard. Not real sure where he picked that up. It's so funny how they repeat things they hear adults say.
#2 At church on Sunday, the preacher talked about the new movie Fire Proof. I know several people who have seen in and have loved it. They all say that you and your spouse need to see it together. So, at some point, I am going to get Marc to go with me. Also, they had the book The Love Dare for couples to read together. Has anyone else heard about this? I would love to start some sort of Bible study at work with you girls and maybe we could use this book to start us off. I am not completely sure what you do, but I just scanned through it. Every day, it gives you a dare, which might be "call you spouse and tell them you were just thinking of them." It is to teach you how to love. I know that I love Marc, but i know that I could do it a whole lot better. I am not completely sure how it works if you are reading it together. Won't you think that they are just calling because the book says to? Or, will it still make you feel good, even if it is because of the book. I guess it could get you in the habit of doing it and then later on, when it happens, it is for real. I don't know, but I think it sounds good. I really want Marc and I to do this together. Any suggestions on how to encourage him to do this? My husband is not a man of many words, but I really really want us to do this. So, give me some advice if you can.
#3 Last night, we were watching Dancing with... Jarrett loves music and will dance to anything. So of course, when watching this, he goes crazy. His new move is to turn in circles. (He doesn't actually spin, it's more like walking in a circle.) Well, this obviously makes him a little dizzy and he falls down. We laugh and he claps for himself. Laughter encourages him, you know. Then, he was walking carrying his blanket. He puts it over his head (like we play peek-a-boo) and just takes off. At first we thought it was kinda funny. Then as he is fixing to run right in the table, we realize what's going to happen. Marc saves him from injury. Yea for dad's quick thinking. Well, he heard us laugh, so now that is his new thing. If he sees a blanket or towel or whatever, it immediately goes over his head and off he goes! It is amazing to watch him change and learn new things. I never thought parenthood would be this great. I knew I would love it, but nothing like this.
Ok, I am done for now. I will try to do better for you blog stalkers. :) Love y'all! I am going to upload some pics sometime to post some more.
The Beatles Booth At Bob's Big Boy
3 days ago
YAY! See, I loved reading every bit of it. Even the stuff you think we don't care about, it's entertaining. I would love to start a bible study at school...let's do it!!!! Can't wait to see pictures, Jarrett sounds so fun!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, so Micah, also not too much for the chatting...he's leaves it up to me...we did a bible study at church in our Sunday school class, and the men really participated. I'm not going to lie...this book caused a few "tifs," but it really just put us a better track to appreciate each other and to be more understanding. Totally recommend! And, I ramble all the time, and I like reading other's, too!
How could you not love a child named Evyn?
We just talked about starting a Bible study at school yesterday. Crazy that you would blog about it today! I am in.
And, I also love the ramblings. I am definitely a blurker and I love seeing inside everyone's head. Keep it up!
Finally, being a mommy is just the best. I never knew that life could be so very satisfying. What did we do before kids?
Great job on the update! I love hearing about the adventures at your household.
Count me in for the Bible study at school!!!
Ok, so I know that you three are in on the bible study, what do we do to get something started? any suggestions?
Ok, so I know that you three are in on the bible study, what do we do to get something started? any suggestions?
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